Virginia Fresh Match

Shalom Farms is proud to serve as the Regional Lead in the Capital Region for the Virginia Fresh Match Network, a statewide grant-funded solution that helps farmers markets serve low income shoppers by stretching SNAP benefits twice as far. For every SNAP dollar spent at a participating Virginia Fresh Match farmers market or independent grocer, the shopper receives an additional dollar to spend on fresh fruits and vegetables, effectively doubling the value of SNAP.
A Year of Community Impact

Matched SNAP Purchases

Participating Retailers
Not only does our own Grown to Go Mobile Market participate in this program, but we also administer the program throughout the greater Richmond region. In 2021, this program provided $92,660 in match funding for funding for SNAP purchases through 8 farmers markets, 2 mobile markets, and 1 local grocery store. Not only does this significantly increase the affordability of fresh produce for families with SNAP, but it also represents an additional $92,660 to support local farmers and independent grocery retailers in the Richmond Region.

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