Our Programs
We focus on Food Access, Food Skills, and Food Advocacy.
Food Access
Our food access programs create accessible and affordable outlets for fresh food in places where there are few or no other options.

Mobile Market
We partner with more than a dozen communities to provide an affordable source of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition Distribution
We partner with more than a dozen community food pantries, meal programs, mutual aid organizations, and Feed More, providing weekly distributions of our produce to thousands of Central Virginia residents in need of food.
Food Skills
Having support to cook and eat healthy is as critical as having access to healthy food.
Whether through recipe taste testing and demonstrations or food skills education classes, we want everyone to understand a healthy diet is a great tool for healthy living.

Clinical Partnerships
We partner with healthcare providers to help community members make informed choices that lead to improved health. Working with clinical and community partners, participants receive weekly “prescriptions” of Shalom Farms fresh produce, health checks, kitchen supplies, and hands-on cooking classes with our Community Nutrition Manager.

Community Partnerships
Our community partnerships aim to increase kitchen confidence and self-efficacy through community engagement, interactive demos and classes, and celebration of seasonal fresh produce.
Food Advocacy
Making systemic change to our food system is a critical component of our work.

Hunger Action Coalition
In 2020, Shalom Farms was selected to serve as the backbone organization for our region’s Hunger Action Coalition, a newly-established alliance of organizations working together to implement the Governor’s Roadmap to End Hunger.

Virginia Fresh Match
Shalom Farms is the Regional Lead for the Virginia Fresh Match Network, a statewide grant-funded solution that helps farmers markets better serve customers who qualify for SNAP.

Visit Our Farms
Across our two farms, thousands of people of all ages come together each year to grow, share, and learn. Our agricultural operation includes two large scale farms with 9 acres in production harvesting over 600,000 servings of produce annually.