Find Fresh Food

Food that's easy to find, afford, and use.

We work to make the freshest and healthiest food accessible to everyone. As a non-profit, we are supported by funders and volunteers, which makes it possible for us to sell our farm-fresh produce for less than what it costs us to grow it. We are able to accept cash, check, credit/debit cards, and SNAP benefits!

Shalom Farms | Overhead view of basket of produce

Where to Shop

Winter Mobile Markets (Instagram Post) (3)

Please note that the NRC Fulton requires masks while inside their building and individuals should press the buzzer on the door in order to get inside!


Shalom Farms | Mobile Market Pin

Mobile Market

Shalom Farms | Healthy Retail Partners Pin

Healthy Retail Partners

Shalom Farms | Prescription Produce Plan Pin

PrescriptionProduce Plan

Shalom Farms | Nutrition Distribution Partners Pin

Nutrition Distribution Partners

Shalom Farms | Virginia Fresh Match Pin

Virginia Fresh Match

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Everyone Deserves Good Food

At Shalom Farms we believe everyone deserves good food — food that is good for our bodies, good for our communities, and good for the environment.

Yet, we know it can be extremely challenging to find affordable and high quality fresh produce in many parts of our city. Whether you are looking for a food pantry that offers fresh produce or for a place to purchase high-quality produce at a price you can afford, we want to help.

While we continue to prioritize keeping prices low to meet the needs of the communities in which we work, this year we’re excited to introduce a Fair Pricing Model to our Mobile Markets as a way to support our food justice work. We welcome all members of the community to shop with us at a price that works for you!

We also encourage you to support other local farmers – check out a list of where you can find them at Back to the Market. If you would like to support the work of Shalom Farms financially, consider making an online donation today! Have questions for us? Feel free to reach out for more information.

Explore Our Programs

Nominate Your Spot!

Where do you want to see Shalom Farms produce? Is there a market in your neighborhood that you visit often? A community center that would be a great location for a Mobile Market or cooking demo? Where would you like to see new resources or more healthy options?

Nominate Your Spot

Where does the food come from?

Shalom Farms | Gathering of people at Powhatan Farm

The vast majority of seasonal fruits and vegetables available on the Mobile Market and distributed to our Healthy Retail Partners come from our farms — one in Midlothian, and one in Richmond’s Northside.

We use sustainable and organic growing practices, including avoiding using harmful chemicals, and are Certified Naturally Grown. We are committed to growing nutrient-dense fresh fruits and vegetables that are good for our bodies and the environment.

We also partner with other local farms and suppliers for occasional items, most often fruits that we don’t grow on our own farm. These items may be organic or conventionally grown, but are all high-quality and locally sourced.

Shalom Farms | Customer in front of produce stand at Grown to Go Mobile Market

Our Programs

In kitchens, food pantries, and markets across the city, our food access programs are focused on finding lasting ways to ensure meaningful access to healthy food.

Learn About Our Programs

Our Farms

Across our two farms, thousands of people of all ages come together each year to grow, share, and learn. Our agricultural operation includes two large scale farms with 9 acres in production harvesting over 600,000 servings of produce annually.

Learn About Our Farms

Our Work in Action

Learn more about how our programs are helping thousands of Richmond families overcome barriers in the food system.

Dig Into What We Do